Petition for Lula's Freedom

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Petition for the annulment of Lula’s trials

To the hon. justices of the Brazilian Supreme Court,

We respectfully address Your Honours, members of Brazil’s highest court, to request the annulment of the trials on the cases against the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Lula, a political prisoner, has obtained international acknowledgement for his contributions to Human Rights, to the eradication of hunger and poverty and to international peace and cooperation.

Considering the new evidence presented by the news website The Intercept Brasil, conversations between then judge Sérgio Moro and the prosecutors of the Lava Jato (“Carwash”) task-force, hich effectively demonstrates how the former judge behaved as the informal head of the investigations and the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, acting by means of advice, reprimands, and guidance, giving them inside knowledge of his upcoming judicial decisions, hints to alleged proofs, and determining in which order the prosecutors and the police should proceed in their investigation. Everything occurred through the use of an instant messaging application and face-to-face meetings.

Therefore, Moro violated the mandate of impartiality and detachment, determined by Brazilian Constitution, the Brazilian Penal Process Code, and the Judiciary Ethics Code. The suspicion over Moro is irrefutable, and its consequence is the absolute nullifying of the trial, as set by articles 254 and 564 of the Brazilian Penal Process Code.


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